GRIFFITH THEATER, WEST CAMPUS—Worldly junior Oliver Peterson has transformed overnight into an expert of foreign cinema after watching the South Korean hit film Parasite.
“Cinephiles like me have been saying that people are overlooking foreign films, and the Oscar wins just proved how narrow minded people are ” lamented Peterson, who had once declared he would not watch 2 hours of subtitles.
When asked if he knew about other foreign films like In the Mood for Love or La Vie en Rose, Peterson dodged the question and instead criticized that “the average American audience is simply too uncultured to appreciate the brilliance of the montages and vignettes that the auteur of Parasite created.”
He added that the film is “unlike anything he’s seen before,” which makes sense given that his favorite movies prior to seeing Parasite were the entire Fast and Furious series.
After hearing about Parasite’s win at the Oscar Awards, he cannot wait to tell all of his asian friends how great he thought the movie was.