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Kim Cates responds to town hall about concern over playlist at Shooters II

SHOOTERS II SALOON—Headed to Shooters this weekend? There's a lot to look forward to - they’re blasting the same music you know and owner Kim Cates loves. Cates responded to recent student concerns about problems at Shooters on both her personal Facebook page and in a letter to the Chronicle, defending the never-changing playlist blasting through the speakers by saying it “evokes nostalgia.”

“I care deeply about everyone who comes to my club,” Cates wrote. “By playing the same music every night, I want them to be able to remember the time someone started groping them while ‘Party in the USA’ was playing during O-Week Shooters two years ago.”

Cates emphasized that every student is equally important to her, especially if they are buying drinks or if they pretend to be excited when the DJ plays “What Makes You Beautiful.”

Though Cates addressed concerns about her playlists, her letter did not cover students’ worries about the overcrowded space of the outdoor smoking patios, the lack of enough cages to dance in, or the prevalence of sexual assault at the nightclub.



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