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After getting into their top choice, SLG rushee now vocally opposes the rush process

ALSPAUGH DORM, EAST CAMPUS—A mere two weeks after accepting a bid in Maxwell House, Duke first-year Cindy Ridley is taking a hard stance against the rush process.

Citing the "toxic" rush process of "exclusive" organizations like the one she's in, Ridley began discussing her opposition to the entire idea of selective living groups.

“When it comes down to it, the obsession with exclusivity is simply unethical and unhealthy,” she declared while brushing off a crumb from her new Maxwell sweatshirt. “My Maxwell fam, that I can't wait to live with next year, has given me the support to say that we need to remove selectivity from our housing model.”

When asked what concrete actions the university should take she explained that “the University needs to ensure that everyone feels a sense of community on campus, like I did at our mixer with Mirecourt last week.”

Cindy assures that in addition to personally destroying selective living at Duke, she and her friend-with-benefits have a stellar plan to “fix hook-up culture."



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