Op-ed: One of the suspended stairs in WU has a wee crack in it, but I won’t tell you which
Op-ed: Is your white friend racist or do you really look like that other guy?
Op-ed: Sometimes it’s better to pretend it’s Nutella
Op-Ed: I am cold
Op-ed: Am I toxic for chasing tour groups with sticks?
Op-ed: My roommate dropped a grape on the ground. Is he going to pick it up?
Op-ed: Your Emotional Support Service Animal Shouldn’t Need a Service Animal
Op-Ed: I will kill myself if I'm the comic relief character in the group Halloween costume again
Op-Ed: Chicken Little lied for attention. Here’s why I do it too.
Op-ed: Restraining Order? Signs your Mr. Perfect is just playing hard to get
What is a libertarian and why can’t they help me checkout a book?
An open letter to men studying Compsci: Golden showers don't count
Op-ed: My opinion on why we’re too politically divided is unique and deserves a biweekly column
Things are going too well: A quick guide to self-sabotage
Op-ed: I don’t think I should have gotten a B+ on the midterm essay
Op-ed: Let's just replace the election with a “No judgement, just curious: Biden or Trump” IG poll
Op-ed: Masks don’t protect us, our troops do
UNC: Not that safe for a safety school
Op-Ed: Wait, they're deporting white students too?
Long distance hack: Break up
Op-ed: What's the point of Duke if I can't have massive orgies?
Help: I’m horny in my childhood bedroom
Tips to stay sane while social distancing
Open letter to Piazza: What part of “no emails” do you not fucking get?
Op-ed: My dad's been practicing social distancing since I was born
Op-ed: My biggest takeaway from spring break was herpes
Op-ed: Just because we made eye contact doesn't mean I want a conversation
Op-ed: My major gives me depression and that's why I'm superior
Opinion: Troy Bolton shouldn't be allowed to speak on campus
The Fluke News endorses Klobuchar and Warren for YT
Thanks-awkward! My girlfriend is a turkey
Opinion: Enough leaning in. Let's tell men to lean out. Of windows.
Joker: Not enough jokes?
Opinion: Keep choking sea turtles with plastic because they too have sexual urges
Opinion: Don’t eat at WU while I’m there
Girl who used to mock my small eyes now scolding me for not embracing my culture
Op-ed: End anti-Zionism, he's our best player
Pee-checks: I don’t get it, but if it's what the tent needs...
Op-ed: Low income students, just ask your dad for more money
Op-ed: Duke needs to divest from your mom